
- あなたのスマホ、タブレット、またはPCで使用可能。                                       
- インターネットの接続と、https://myaccount.instacodelive.com から、
現行のInstaCode Liveサブスクリプションが必要。                                                 InstaCode Liveは世界中のロックスミスの最も包括的な情報ベースです。このテクノロジーは20年前に作成され、実用的で包括的なビジネスツールを提供するためにロックスミスによりデザインされました。このツールは、より効率的なビジネス運営をサポートし、あなたに新たな利益をもたらすことでしょう。                          これで、24時間いつでもどこからでも簡単にその情報にアクセスでき、InstaCode Liveを使用して、常に最新の情報が入手できます。このアプリは必要な情報を常に追加し、進化し続けます。


Main screen of the InstaCode Live Mobile App showing buttons for “Vehicle search”, “Key code search”, “Advanced Search”, “Plugins calculators”, “Help” and “Settings”. The InstaCode Live Mobile App showing the “Advanced search” with search fields for “Key Code”, “Manufacture”, “Model”, “Submodel”, “year”, “Key blank”, “Card number”, “Lock system”, “Lock type”, “Key type” and “Cuts”. The InstaCode Live Mobile App showing all the possible space and depth measurements required to cut the key over an outline sketch of the key. The InstaCode Live Mobile App listing all the possible space and depth measurements required to cut the key. The InstaCode Live Mobile App function menu showing options for “Find Bitting”, “ New Code”, “Machine Info”, “Transponder”, “Transponder Parts”, “Onboard Procedures”, “Diagnostics”, “Opening Instructions”, “Calculator”, “Lock positions” and “Key Blanks”. With more options accessible by scrolling. The InstaCode Live Mobile App “Find Bitting” screen, listing the cut positions with only the first two position with values entered, and buttons available to select a value for the subsequent positions. The InstaCode Live Mobile App “Key blanks” screen, showing a list of key blanks that are applicable to the search and an image of the selected key blank. The InstaCode Live Mobile App “Show cut key” screen, showing the key’s series, code, and cuts, with an image displaying how the key would look once cut.



現実の世界でロックや自動車を扱うのはとても複雑である場合があります。InstaCodeはあなたが探しているものを正確に探す為に、広い範囲の検索基準を提供します。                             基本的なキーコード、メーカーの検索やカットの数による検索から、正確なロックシステムやブランクキーの指定まで、InstaCodeの検索エンジンはあなたのニーズに応えます。

InstaCode PC home screen with a Windows menu bar containing options “Search”, “Tools”, “Setup” and “Help”. Beneath the menu is a row of 5 buttons, the first 2 are for performing the most common functions; “Clear” to clear all search criteria and “Do search” to search the entered criteria. The last 3 buttons are to choose the type of search to be performed; “Series search” which is currently selected, “Key blank search” and “Identify key”. Beneath those buttons are search fields for “Key Code”, “Manufacture”, “Model”, “Model no”, “year”, “Key blank”, “Card number”, “Lock system”, “Lock type”, “Key type”, “Cuts” and “ISN”.


InstaCodeはコードシリーズの情報をビジュアル、そして数値の両方で表示します。                                            そしてInstaCodeの設定を、1/1000インチ、または1/100mmのどちらでも使用しやすい方に選ぶことができます。

InstaCode PC series detail screen with a Windows menu bar containing options “Search”, “Tasks”, “Tools”, “Setup” and “Help”. Beneath the menu is a row of 11 buttons, the first button is “Back” to return to the previous screen. The next 3 buttons are to choose the type of search to be performed; “Series search” which is current selected, “Key blank search” and “Identify key”. This is followed by “New Code”, “Find bitting”, print, “Cut key…”, decode key, read and write transponders, and a currently disabled back button for navigating the series detail below. Below that is information on the search criteria used, and below that is the series details divided among several tabs, “Measurements diagram”, “Measurements”, “Transponders”, “Transponder Parts”, “Opening”, “Lock decoding”, “Vehicle info” and “Notes etc”. The “Measurements diagram” tab is selected and it is showing a diagram of the key with measurements for the cut positions and a cross section of the key with measurements for the depths. The diagram of the key is overlayed with the cut values for the key code displayed above in the search criteria. To the right of the measurements is a list of applicable key blanks with an image of the currently selected blank below the list. Below the measurements is information that is applicable to cutting the key with the last key machine that was used to cut the same type of key, such as vice, cutter, and position.
InstaCode PC series detail screen with a Windows menu bar containing options “Search”, “Tasks”, “Tools”, “Setup” and “Help”. Beneath the menu is a row of 11 buttons, the first button is “Back” to return to the previous screen. The next 3 buttons are to choose the type of search to be performed; “Series search” which is current selected, “Key blank search” and “Identify key”. This is followed by “New Code”, “Find bitting”, print, “Cut key…”, decode key, read and write transponders, and a currently disabled back button for navigating the series detail below. Below that is information on the search criteria used, and below that is the series details divided among several tabs, “Measurements diagram”, “Measurements”, “Transponders”, “Transponder Parts”, “Opening”, “Lock decoding”, “Vehicle info” and “Notes etc”. The “Measurements” tab is selected, and it is showing the “Bitting” for the key code displayed above in the search criteria. Beneath that are the measurements for the cut positions and measurements for the depths. To the right of the measurements is a list of applicable key blanks with an image of the currently selected blank below the list.
InstaCode PC series detail screen with a Windows menu bar containing options “Search”, “Tasks”, “Tools”, “Setup” and “Help”. The “Setup menu is expanded and is showing that the measurement units are set to display in 1/100 mm, with an option to switch them as 1/1000 inch. Other menu items of note include, “Preferences…”, “Machines…”, exporting and importing of key blank hooks, exporting and importing of clients and “Backup user data”


InstaCode PC Show Cut Key window listing the “Bitting” of the selected key and below that a greyscale representation of what the cut key blade would look like. In the bottom right corner is a close button.



InstaCode PC Find Bitting wizard with instructions at the top to “Enter all known bitting values into their corresponding positions. Remove the tick from below any positions that you do not want to consider in the search”. Below the instructions are tick box options to “Enable advanced search features” (which is unticked) and “Search bittngs in associated series”. Below the option are boxes to enter the depth values for the known positions and under those are disabled advanced search feature options for each position. To the right side of the window are the measurements for the cut positions and measurements for the depths.


InstaCode PC Cutting tree window showing a list of key codes, sorted, and grouped in such a way to minimise the number of key blanks that need to be cut to try every valid key code that can be derived from the known cuts.



InstaCode PC section of the series detail screen containing the information tabs  “Measurements diagram”, “Measurements”, “Transponders”, “Transponder Parts”, “Onboard procedures”, “Diagnostics”, “Opening”, “Lock decoding”, “Vehicle info”, “Keyless entry”, Lock positions” and part of “ASP data” visible, with 2 directional buttons to select tabs currently not visible. The “Transponders” tab is selected and below is shown an information ‘page’ with a “Contents” section, “General Information” section and “Transponder preparation” section.
InstaCode PC section of the series detail screen containing the information tabs  “Measurements diagram”, “Measurements”, “Transponders”, “Transponder Parts”, “Onboard procedures”, “Diagnostics”, “Opening”, “Lock decoding”, “Vehicle info”, “Keyless entry”, Lock positions” and part of “ASP data” visible, with 2 directional buttons to select tabs currently not visible. The “Transponders parts” tab is selected and below is table of transponder parts that are known to be applicable to the search, showing the “Manufacturer”, “Part No” and information about how it can be interacted with by several transponder programming devices. A scroll bar is visible on the right, denoting that further information is available by scrolling.
InstaCode PC section of the series detail screen containing the information tabs  “Measurements diagram”, “Measurements”, “Transponders”, “Transponder Parts”, “Onboard procedures”, “Diagnostics”, “Opening”, “Lock decoding”, “Vehicle info”, “Keyless entry”, Lock positions” and part of “ASP data” visible, with 2 directional buttons to select tabs currently not visible. The “Lock decoding” tab is selected and below is information about various ‘Lishi’ tools and picking directions. A scroll bar is visible on the right, denoting that further information is available by scrolling.



InstaCode PC window of the “Rekey Locks to Another Code using the Same Wafers or Pins” wizard, where the applicable locks are listed along with the positions that are known to contain wafers or pins. The positions that contain a wafer or pin are denoted with letters to differentiate which positions each wafer or pin can be swapped to. Next to each lock is a small image indication that the calculation will take that lock into consideration during the calculation. At the bottom of the window are 3 buttons; “Back”, “Next” and “Cancel”.
InstaCode PC window of the “Rekey Locks to Another Code using the Same Wafers or Pins” wizard, where the possible codes that can be used by swapping the wafers or pins are listed under the current code, in a ranked order, with the ‘best’ solution at the top. Each code has its cuts beside it and each position that changes from the original code’s cut in that same position is highlighted. At the bottom of the window are 3 buttons; “Back”, “Next” and “Cancel”.



InstaCode PC Identify key search screen with a Windows menu bar containing options “Search”, “Tools”, “Setup” and “Help”. Beneath the menu is a row of 5 buttons, the first 2 are for performing the most common functions; “Clear” to clear all search criteria and “Do search” to search the entered criteria. The last 3 buttons are to choose the type of search to be performed; “Series search”, “Key blank search” and “Identify key”, which is currently selected. Beneath those buttons are 2 radial buttons to select if you are trying to “Identify a key from its number” or “Identify a key from the hook you have assigned it. Each option has a corresponding search field.
InstaCode PC Find Card window showing search fields for the possible known data for the key; “Manufacturer”, “Key type”, “Alignment”, “Axes”, “Spaces” and the distance to the “First Space” and a “Tolerance” for that value. In the top right corner is the “Find” button to execute the search. Below, the matching result are displayed, showing their card number, spaces measurements and depth measurements.  In the bottom right corner is a “Cancel” button and beside that is an “OK” button which will accept the currently highlighted search result.


InstaCode PC series search results screen with a Windows menu bar containing options “Search”, “Tools”, “Setup” and “Help”. Beneath the menu is a row of 5 buttons, the first 2 are for performing the most common functions; “Back” to return to the main search screen and “Details” to continue onto the selected series’ details. The last 3 buttons are to choose the type of search to be performed; “Series search” which is currently selected, “Key blank search” and “Identify key”. Beneath those buttons are the results of the series search, listing each series’ “Type”, “Series” description, “IC Card”, “Cuts”, “ISN” and icons for the type of code storage the series’ use and whether the series use a Transponder system when used on the searched vehicle. To the right of the search results is a list of applicable key blanks with an image of the currently selected blank below the list.



InstaCode PC Save Client Information window showing information about the series against which the client will be saved (“ISN”, “Code”, “Series” description, “Manufacturer) and below that are three tabs, “Client”, ”Notes” and “Transponders”. The “Client” tab is active and showing entry fields for the client’s details (“Name”, “Address”, “Phone”, “Mobile Phone”. “Email” and “Password”) and the client’s vehicle information (“Make”, “Model”, “Year”, “Licence plate”, “VIN” and “Colour”). In the bottom left corner is a button “Copy from another client…” and in the bottom right corner are “OK” and “Cancel” buttons.